Good Readers, Bad Webmaster

A couple of UV fans from out there on the intertubes have stumbled on this site and sent me pictures and mp3s. Their contributions have been languishing on my hard drive for months, and I’m sorry for it. I finally found a few minutes and …

Pictures, press clippings and a hand-written note from Rich are up on flickr:

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

And two new (to me) recordings from Richard are at The double-secret login and password are “plants” and “animals.”

Huge thanks to Rich and Richard!

A side note: I’m closing a few of the older posts to comments. The spam-to-ham ratio on them is sort of shocking.

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4 Responses to “Good Readers, Bad Webmaster”

  1. Paul Wilson Says:

    I’d just like to say that I saw Uncle Vinty twice in 1971 and, I think, 1972. The first time, he was at a small club in San Anselmo. The second time, he closed the show at a concert in the cafeteria building at Marin Community College. As I recall, Stoneground was top of the bill.

    I remember Uncle Vinty with great fondness. I looked for records and couldn’t find any; I asked my friends about him, but they had never seen him. This made no sense — he was a highly accomplished singer and musician; he was by-God funny and inventive, and he brought a great kindness to the stage that I found irresistable.

    I am very sorry to hear that he has passed, and I thank you for this website.


  2. Kevin Crawley` Says:

    Thanks a lot for this. I thought of doing the same thing a few years ago, (I was going to call it the Magic Choir) but I it’s still a languishing project.

    I first saw The Uncle Vinty Show at UW-Whitewater in 1974, I think. I was 18, and his “Emerge and See” transformation just blew my little mind. Their farewell show was the night before I left Wisconsin. I got to see him a couple of times in Iowa City and Ames. If I heard he was around, I’d drive a couple hundred miles to hear him.

    On a whim, I typed “Uncle Vinty” into the facebook search box, and was delighted to find this site.

    I still have a copy of the Movies’ LP (Morgan, Peter and Ted), and I could upload it if you’d like.

    Thanks again!

  3. Ben Nelson Says:

    I saw UV about the same time, best concert ever. Yes I would like to hear the movies LP. Kevin I think I know you, contact me.
    By Ben

  4. Whit Lehnberg Says:

    I first saw Uncle Vinty on Milwaukee’s PBS station, CH 10, in 1974. I was so taken that I recorded the last song, or part of it, on my new cassette recorder. I still don’t know the name of the song, I think it is “You can be so Amazing”, anyway that a line from it. I still have the tape, and that chorus has been so inspirational in my life all these 30 plus years. I looked everywhere for an actual record or anything by UV. It wasn’t until I was doing a show with Elvin Bishop years later at The Sweetwater in Mill Valley that I saw a 45 they had hanging on the wall. I was very covetous of it and was planning on taking it when Bill Graham came in to saw hi to Elvin and ended up talking to us for about 4 hours (he was in the process of writing his autobiography and I think wanted to bounce some stories off of us). Anyway thats my story, thanks for this site and thanks to Uncle Vinty I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. RIP

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