Video: Love Me Gun / Stainless Steel Pies

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8 Responses to “Video: Love Me Gun / Stainless Steel Pies”

  1. B. P. 福星 Says:

    I estatic to see this post. I saw the Uncle Vinty Show at Moraine Valley Community College in the 70’s. What can I say he blew my mind! (@_@)


  2. Mark Styles Says:

    I knew and worked with Uncle Vinty thru the mid and late 70’s. I moved to Milwaukee to play in a band with him.. Uncle Vinty and the Xcleavers. He really was a truly AMAZING person.. Seeing that picture brought such a flood of memories.

    He was very creative, and a truly unique soul. We had a lot engaging conversations. I miss him..

  3. Robare M. Novou Says:

    I saw uncle vinty in Milwaukee back in the early 70’s.

    He opened up for Sha Na Na at Summerfest.

    Then I saw him a few years later in Milwaukee after his New York Trip.

    He had changed into a more theatrical performer, with a very entertaining show.

    Man, those were the days!


  4. tim schowalter Says:

    i was blessed to have worked with Vinty in the early 70’s. back then, it was the Uncle Vinty Show; a powerful theater rock show with up-lifing original music, custome changes, props, the Magic Choir and a message of Love, Unity & Fun.
    when we moved to NYC in ’74, the Show lived in a 5000 sq. loft with views of lower
    NYC (including the World Trade Center, the Empire State Bldg & the West River).
    Peter, Michael, Teddy, the “Magician”, Patrick & i turned the former garment district space into a living, rehearsal loft where “retired” theater back-drops served as walls. the memories are just as incredible as you can imagine.
    the stages of the clubs we played were too small; drummer Teddy (“Thumper”) was forced to use a banana box keep the tempo. he found the Chicita box had a better sound than Del Monte.
    oh what fun those days were! Vinty’s lyical message was to “E MERGE AND SEE” how to change the WORLD thru Love and Kindness. the music was easy to listen to, the lyrics complex in their simplicity and the stage full of movement and surprise.
    the unfortunate timing was that MTV hadn’t been invented yet: to only listen to the music denied the audience of the live antics on stage.
    those who’ve had the priveledge of witnessing the Uncle Vinty Show still can sing the tunes and all have fond memories of a great time.
    how great the memories of Uncle Vinty are! i think of him often and miss those days!
    Vinty’s message still rings true – Love, Be Kind, Have Fun & Enjoy Today.
    how simple, how true!

  5. Bob T Says:


    Well said.

    I saw Uncle Vinty a few times in a small rock and roll bar in southern Wisconsin. He was one of the best shows I have ever seen.Doing shots of rum 151 in a completely smoke filled bar and singing “The moo oo ooon will never let us down” and various other lyrics, I will remember to all my days; as well as the first time I saw him pull off his short-hair wig while singing “emerge..and…see!”

    Uncle, Teddy, the Magician, and the guitar player that I cannot remember I miss all you guys, and the simpler days they were then!!!


  6. Dr Ely Says:

    We are all the sun, the sun, the sun, the sun…

  7. Richard Petzold Says:

    My first experience of Vinty was at the Kenwood Inn (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)in about 1975. After the show, friends brought him back to my Shepard Avenue duplex where we all frolicked in the basement sauna. Before leaving, he played a few tunes on my big upright piano.

    Several years passed with occasional “exciting and inviting” Vinty experiences…..

    My last experience was in small claims court where I was trying to recover some seed money from Vinty. He offered to repay me in ‘shrooms, but I declined. We left the court quite amicably as he was heading off to the west coast.

  8. Flash Says:
